Saturday, October 11, 2008

What's a RUBRIC?

Simply, a rubric is the basis for grading an assignment. Major writing assignments and projects will be based on a rubric. The ESOL Writing rubric is posted in the classroom. A project rubric will be adjusted to the type of project. Students will get a copy of the project rubric along with whatever instructions or requirements are necessary for the project.

Now, I am going to copy and paste the rubrics to this page...

ESOL Writing Rubric

Plan: This is the guide for grading writing assignments. Following this checklist allows me to do my best possible writing.

Each area will be graded as follows:
Excellent – 4 pts. Good- 3 pts. Fair- 2 pts. Poor- 1pt.

My writing shows a clear understanding of my topic.

*Did I show attention to a single point or idea? _____ pts.

My ideas are supported with details and/or explanations and information.
* Do I understand all the vocabulary I used?
*Did I explain my ideas clearly and completely?
*Did I use specific examples, details, and facts that support my ideas? ______ pts.

My writing is in paragraph form, with a clear introduction and conclusion.

*Did I organize the content into separate, focused paragraphs?
*Did I include an introductory paragraph?
*Did I include a conclusion paragraph?
*Do the paragraphs move well from one idea to the next? _______ pts.

I must make sure my writing has a tone suited for my audience.

*Did I use a variety of sentences to create an interesting flow of ideas?
*Did I use a variety of synonyms and descriptive words to create a
clear picture in the reader’s mind?
*Did I use imagery and literary devices appropriately as needed? ______ pts.

My writing has no mistakes in spelling, capitalization, grammar or punctuation.

*Did I use spell-check or a dictionary to check my spelling, including using correct homophones?
*Did I use capital letters correctly, including for all proper nouns?
*Did I check for grammar, including subject-verb agreement, correct plural form, and avoid double negatives?
*Did I use correct punctuation, including using quotation marks correctly?
*Did I write in complete sentences- no fragments or run-ons? _____ pts.


19-20 =A 15-18=B 10-14=C 5-9=D 0-4=F ______


Hooray, it worked! Let's try the other one...

Project Presentation Rubric

Project is complete, and submitted on time. ____________

Text is paraphrased, in student’s own words. ________

Text is typed or neatly written in blue or black ink. _______

Pictures are neatly cut, glued and neatly attached. _______

Research web, outline, or both are included with the project. _____

All or most areas of the web/outline are included in the text. ______

Student demonstrates acquired knowledge is
understood and appreciated. _______

All subject matter, project title, and any labels are
written and attached to the project. _______________


Even if I add or somewhat change an element in either of these rubrics, these are a solid measurement of the quality of work I look for from a student. You are very welcome (in fact, I encourage it!) to print these for your student's information and reference.
I hope you will find the information helpful!

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